Cultural History
One Thousand Beards – A Cultural History of Facial Hair
Jimmy Fallon Interview On Facial Hair :
Journal Articles
2017 CA, Peterkin, A. and Grewal, S. Bibliotherapy-The Therapeutic Uses of Fiction and Poetry in Mental Health, IJCPM
2017 Peterkin, A. Physician Intuition, CMAJ. 2017 Apr 10;189(14):E544. doi: 10.1503/cmaj.160972.
2016 Peterkin, A., Curating the Medical Humanities Curriculum: Twelve tips (Editorial). Medical Humanities (BMJ), 42(3). 147-148. DOI:10.1136/medhum-2015-010795
2013 Peterkin, A., Benigno, T., Revisiting Written Submissions as Part of the Medical School Application: Paying Attention to Narrative Competence in Admissions Policies. Intima: A journal of Narrative Medicine, Spring 2013
2012 Naimer, M., Peterkin, A., McGillivray, M., Permaul, J.A. Evaluation of a Collaborative Mental Health Program in Residency Training. Academic Psychiatry, 36(5): 411-413.
2012 Havey, T., Kavanagh, L., Peterkin, A., Roberts, M. A Narrative Means to Professional Ends: New Strategies for Teaching CanMEDS Roles in Canadian Medical Schools. Canadian Family Physician, 58(10): e563-e569.
2012 Peterkin, A., Esplen, M.J., Hann, J., & Lawson, A. A Pilot Study of a Narrative Competence Group to Enhance Coping and Quality of Life in Patients with HIV. Arts & Health: An International Journal, 1(14). Ahead of Print. DOI:10.1080/17533015.2012.693513
2012 Peterkin, A. Practical Strategies for Practising Narrative-Based Medicine. Canadian Family Physician, 58(1): 63-64.
2011 Peterkin, A. Primum Non Nocere: On accountability in narrative-based medicine. Literature and Medicine 29(2), 396-411.
2011 Fidler, D., Trumbull, D., Ballon, B., Peterkin, A., Averbuch, R., & Katzman, J. Vignettes for Teaching Psychiatry with the Arts. Academic Psychiatry, 35(5): 293-297. September-October 2011
2011 Peterkin, A. “Dissecting Dad.” Journal of Medical Humanities, 32(1):61-3. March 2011.
2011 Peterkin, A. White Coat Ceremonies: Not So White (or Black)? Atrium: The Report of the Northwestern Medical Humanities and Bioethics Program, (9):24-26. Spring 2011
2010 Peterkin, A. Getting To Sleep In New Jersey: Learning from John Stone and William Carlos Williams. Academic Medicine, 85(5): 853. May 2010. DOI:10.1097/01.ACM.0000372013.17605.23
2010 Peterkin, A. Why We Write (and How We Can Do It Better). Canadian Medical Association Journal, 182(15): 1650-1652. October 19, 2010. DOI:10.1503/cmaj.101329
2009 Peterkin, A., and; Prettyman, A. A. Finding a Voice: Revisiting the History of Therapeutic Writing. BMJ–Medical Humanities, 35(2): 80-88. DOI:10.1136/jmh.2009.001636
2008 Peterkin, A. Medical Humanities for What Ails Us. CMAJ, 178(5), DOI:10.1503/cmaj.071851
2007 Brotman, S., Ryan, B., Collins, S., Chamberland, L., Cormier, R., Julien, D., Meyer, E., Peterkin, A., Richard, B. Coming Out to Care: Caregivers of Gay and Lesbian Seniors in Canada. Gerontologist, 47(4): 490-503.
2007 Peterkin, A. Therapeutic Writing for People Living with HIV. Lapidus Quarterly (Autumn 2007).
2006 Peterkin, A. Narrative Competence Psychotherapy for People with HIV. Focus: A Guide to HIV Research and Counseling (USCF), 21(2).
1994 Peterkin, A. The Impact of Rapid HIV Testing In The Clinical Setting. Ottawa: Commissioned by Health Canada
1993 Peterkin, A. Self-help Movement Experiencing Rapid Growth in Canada. Canadian Medical Association Journal, 148(5).
1991 Dworkin, M., Peterkin, A. Comparing Psychotherapies for Primary Care. Canadian Family Physicians,37: 719-25.
1991 Peterkin, A. The Burden of Silence: The Need to Tell. Canadian Medical Assoc Journal, 144(2).
1991 Peterkin, A. Medical Students: Young Physicians Worried About Their Future in Quebec. Canadian Medical Association Journal, 144(5).
1990 Peterkin, A. Guidelines Covering Disclosure of Errors Now in Place at Montreal Hospital. Canadian Medical Association Journal, 140(9).
1989 Peterkin, A. The Law: There Are Some Questions Residency Interviewers Have No Right to Ask.Canadian Medical Association Journal, 140.
1988 Peterkin, A. Is Professional Courtesy Disappearing?” Canadian Medical Association Journal, 139.
1986 Green, M., El Guebaly, N., & Peterkin, A. Mental Illness and the Media: An Assessment of Attitudes and
Communication: Part 2. Canadian Journal of Psychiatry, 30, 431-433.
1985 El Guebaly, N., Green, M., & Peterkin, A. Mental Illness and the Media: An Assessment of Attitudes Communications Part 1. Canadian Journal of Psychiatry, 30, 12-17.
Book Chapters
2018 Peterkin A. A Brief Guide To Close Reading , the CMAJ Humanities Reader
2017 Peterkin, A., Wilson, S. Risk in A Medical vs. Artistic Life. In A. Bleakley (Ed.) Dangerous Currents: Risk and Regulation at the Interface of Medicine and The Arts. Cambridge: Cambridge Scholars Publishing. (2017)
2016 Peterkin, A. Foreword. In V.L. Harvey & T.H. Housel (Eds.) Health Care Disparities and the LGBT Population. Plymouth, UK: Lexington Books.
2016 Peterkin. A. Hamer D., Kancir J, Fuller J., Kuper A., Bryden P. Every Step of The Way: A New Student- Driven Literature Curriculum at The University of Toronto. In A. Peterkin and; P. Brett-MacLean (Eds.) Keeping
Reflection Fresh: A Practical Guide for Clinical Educators. Kent, Ohio: The Kent State University Press.
2016 Peterkin, A. Curating a Reflection Course in Postgraduate Medical Education. In A. Peterkin and; P. Brett-MacLean (Eds.) Keeping Reflection Fresh: A Practical Guide for Clinical Educators. Kent, Ohio: The Kent State
University Press.
2014 Peterkin, A. What’s Wrong With This Intake Form? In T. Jones, D. Wear & L.D. Friedman (Eds.) Health Humanities Reader, New Brunswick, NJ: Rutgers University Press
2010 Peterkin, A. Foreword. In V. Tischler (Ed.) Mental Health, Psychiatry and the Arts: A Teaching Handbook. New York: Radcliffe Publishing.
2009 Peterkin, A. Osler and the Decameron. In M. Lacombe (Ed.) Osler’s Bedside Library. Philadelphia: ACP Press.
2005 Peterkin, A., and Brouillette, M. J. Dedication. In K. Citron, M. J. Brouillette, & A. Beckett (Eds.) HIV and Psychiatry: Training and Resource Manual. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.
1993 Peterkin, A. Psychosocial Issues in HIV-Primary Care. In M. Tobin, F. J. Chow, I. Bowmer and G. Bally (Eds.) A Comprehensive Guide for the Care of Persons with HIV Disease Module One
Journal Articles
2017 Peterkin, A. with Sasso, D. and Skorzewska, A “Why Psychiatry Needs the Humanities” , Psychiatric Times (USA)
2011 Peterkin, A. Ten Strategies for Staying Human During Residency. Canadian Association of Interns and Residents Learn From the Masters Series. CAIR Website.
2011 Peterkin, A. Why Healthcare Needs the Humanities. The Medical Post. Canadian Healthcare Network.
2010 Peterkin, A. Using Reflective Writing with Students: Ten Tips. CAME Newsletter.
2009 Peterkin, A. How to Grow a Healthcare Humanities Program. NYU LitMed blog.
2009 Peterkin, A. Narrative Medicine/Ars Medica. University of Toronto Medicine Journal. Summer 2009.
2009 Peterkin, A. Ten Strategies for Resident Wellness. Memorial U Newsletter.
2001 Peterkin, A., & Brotman, S. “Equity in Health Service Delivery to Gay and Lesbian Patients.” In The Context of Family Medicine Report. McGill University.
2013 Peterkin, A. To a Young Doctor CMAJ
2013 Peterkin, A “LIMP” Insight Two (book) University of Alberta Press (June 2013)
2012 Peterkin, A. “And What Felled the Princes of Europe” ). Healing Muse.
2012 Peterkin, A. “A Doctor’s Instrument”.The International Journal of Healing and Caring Online.
2011 Peterkin, A. “First Visit” Pulse, June 2011.
2011 Peterkin, A. “What’s in a Name?” Hospital Drive, Fall 2011.
2011 Peterkin, A. “Dissecting Dad” (memoir piece). Journal of Medical Humanities, March 2011.
2010 Peterkin, A. “Hands” in “Milles Mots D’Amours” Anthology.
2010 Peterkin, A. “Les Mains” in “Milles Mots D’Amours” Anthology.
2010 Peterkin, A. “The Boy as Glenn Gould” Medical Humanities (BMJ), September.
2008 Peterkin, A. “Sweet Things.” Finalist in the Writers’ Union of Canada Short Fiction Contest.
2007 Peterkin, A. “Falls.” The Healing Muse.
2007 Peterkin, A. “Borodin.” CMAJ, November 20, 2007.
2007 Peterkin, A. “The Psychopharmacologist Writes to His Young Son.” The Windsor Reviews.
2006 Peterkin, A. (poetry contributor). Body Language: Poems of the Medical Training Experience, BOA Editions (November, 2006)
2006 Peterkin, A. “First Suture.” Writing the Medical Experience: An Anthology. Rochester: SUNY.
2004 Peterkin, A. “Last Word” CMAJ, June 21
2002 Peterkin, A. “Land” Kaleidoscope, Fall
2002 Peterkin, A. On Reading My Mother’s Journal. Hart House Review.
2001 Peterkin, A. “Mommadonetoldme” Prairie Fire (winter issue)
2001 Peterkin, A. “Wolf Boy” . Prairie Fire, (winter issue).
2001 Peterkin, A. “Nutmeg” Prairie Fire, (winter issue).
2001 Peterkin, A. “Love” Prairie Fire, (winter issue),
2001 Peterkin, A. “First Suture” CMAJ, June 2001.
2000 Peterkin, A. “Haiku (Lilacs).” Time Haiku Group, London, England, (spring issue)
2000 Peterkin, A. “Space” . Hart House Review, (spring issue)
2000 Peterkin, A. “Nutmeg” Open Windows Two Anthology. Brighton, ON: Hidden Brook Press.
2000 Peterkin, A. “Pillow Book” Open Windows Two Anthology. Brighton, ON: Hidden Brook Press.
2000 Peterkin, A. “MTF” . CMAJ, October 3
1998 Peterkin, A. “Annie” CMAJ (Ottawa), spring.
1998 Peterkin, A. Impossible Trees” Amethyst Review, summer.
1998 Peterkin, A. “Love” Church-Wellesley Review, October.
1998 Peterkin, A. “Scar” The Medical Post. Toronto. November 3.
1998 Peterkin, A. “Anxious Attachment” Psychopoetica 43. Hull, England
Syndicated Newspaper Column(s)
1996-99 (Columnist) Peterkin, Allan Life Lines (Syndicated Health/Psychiatry Column). The Toronto Star.